If you have a dark gray menu on the left in your Webinaris account, you have the new version.
Click HERE to go to the section for the old version.
Click HERE for more information on the Webinaris versions.
Important note in advance: Please use the latest version of Google Chrome to host your webinars. Older versions and other browsers unfortunately do not support all the necessary technologies. To host live webinars on Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS, you should use the live streaming software Webinaris Connect.
Create a live webinar
The basic settings of your live webinar (Presenter, Showtimes, Pages, Buttons, E-mails, Expert settings) are made like an auto webinar. The difference between the two projects is that you do not store a finished video for a live webinar, but prepare your presentation using the menu items "MultiMedia" & "Emergency video":
Regardless of whether live webinars or auto-webinars, you can upload all videos, images and PDF documents for your Webinaris account in the menu "Media":
In the menu "MultiMedia" in your live webinar project, you can now select which of your media you would like to use specifically for this webinar. Here you can select images, videos and/or PDF documents.
Please note: If you have created a presentation in PowerPoint or Keynote, export it to a PDF document before uploading it.
In your live webinar, you can only access media that you have specifically selected here in "MultiMedia". You cannot access your general media database in the live webinar.
Emergency video
We have set up the "Emergency video" function in case something unexpected happens during your live webinar (no internet connection, illness, forgetting the appointment, traffic jam, etc.). Here you can store a video that should be shown to your participants in this case so that a webinar takes place.
You have the following options for the start behavior:
You can also add "emergency buttons" to your emergency video.
Important fact: Once the emergency video has started, there is no way to moderate it live again.
Moderating a live webinar
You can log into your live webinar as a moderator in 3 different ways:
- In your Webinaris account via the menu Moderator login - "Login" - "Today's webinars"
- Via the login link for external moderators
- Via the Webinaris Connect app
Regardless of whether you only want to test or it is a real live webinar appointment:
at least 1 person must always be registered for the webinar. Otherwise it is not possible to log in as a moderator.
Therefore, simply register for the webinar with a test address. You do not need to log in as a participant.
Functions in the live webinar:
3 basic functions are available to you in the live webinar room:
- Microphone
- Camera
- Share screen
Before you activate these functions for the first time, you may need to give your browser permission to access your microphone, camera and screen.
You may also need to set this up once in your system settings in the Security & Privacy section.
You can also find help on this in the webinar room by clicking on "Technical problems" at the bottom left:
As soon as you have activated one of the three basic functions and your webinar appointment has started, you can press the red start button for your live webinar:
Only then will your participants see or hear you and the video recording will begin!
During your live webinar, you can now also use the other functions as a moderator:
To end your live webinar, you will find the "End webinar" button at the top right of the webinar room. After confirmation, the webinar room will close for your participants and the recording will end:
If you have a blue bar at the top of your Webinaris account, you have it old version.
Click HERE to go to the section for the new version.
Click HERE for more information on the Webinaris versions.
This function is not available in the old Webinaris version.